Birthday Doughnuts

On Sunday, my sweet sister surprised me with a birthday breakfast to kick off this Week of Lucy!  She came over with flowers, orange juice, raspberries, and everything we needed to make baked doughnuts.  I was caught completely off guard and I am still so tickled with our sister celebration.  And it doesn’t hurt that the doughnuts turned out perfectly!

We used this recipe and a pan like this.  We baked our doughnuts for a minute longer than recommended, but other than that, it worked out exactly as written.  Just enough batter, just enough frosting!

We got one batch of six doughnuts in and out of the oven, and frosted them while the rest baked.  And, obviously, we added sprinkles because it’s not a birthday without sprinkles.  Aren’t they just beautiful!?

Such a wonderful way to start my birthday week!  Feeling so loved.